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Sommige cases zijn zonder voeding. Waarom? Zo kun je los van je keuze van je case een voeding kiezen. Dit heeft als voordeel dat indien je een mooie case gevonden hebt, deze voldoende, maar ook niet teveel vermogen heeft en eventueel andere zaken zoals een grote ventilator (120mm) om minder lawaai te maken perfect op je behoeften afgesteld zijn. Een voeding kun je hier kiezen http://www.incoelectronics.be/onderdelen/voeding.php

Tip: Wil je een model die iets meer is dan standaard, maar toch gunstig van prijs? Kijk dan even naar de Sonata van Antec, deze is inclusief stille voeding.

(excl. btw)
(incl. btw)
Antec0-761345-02267-52U26EPS600 Rackmnt 2U26''+600W EU Only294.15355.920
Antec0-761345-06880-2ALIM CPS FormFactor CP-850 PSU EU Only128.51155.501
Antec0-761345-01700-8Atlas 550/550W ATX EU Only155.12187.705
Antec0-761345-15970-8Case/Antec One58.9571.330
Antec0-761345-15950-0Case/Eleven Hundred EU114.59138.6538
Antec0-761345-82000-4Case/P280-EU ATX128.68155.71237
Antec0-761345-15320-1Case/Three Hundred Two EU75.4991.340
Antec0-761345-92031-5Case/VSK-3000E Tower MATX Black31.2337.79288
Antec0-761345-92041-4Case/VSK-4000E Tower ATX Black33.9541.0830
Antec0-761345-27384-8EarthWatts EA380Green ATX12V v2.345.6655.2584
Antec0-761345-04647-3EarthWatts EA430Green EC ATX12V v2.361.6574.6033
Antec0-761345-15118-4Gear For Gamers/Twelve Hundred V3175.07211.830
Antec0-761345-08184-9ISK 310-150 Case EU Only86.28104.390
Antec0-761345-15003-3LanBoy Air Yellow121.25146.710
Antec0-761345-08942-5Minuet 350/MT 300W ATX 12V EU Only101.38122.6754
Antec0-761345-08197-9Mount/ISK 110 Vesa-EC EU Only86.37104.5052
Antec0-761345-15924-1Nine Hundred Two V3118.62143.5333
Antec0-761345-00402-2NSK-4000B II58.0370.210
Antec0-761345-00496-1NSK-4482B EU Only96.73117.040
Antec0-761345-81834-6Performance One Series/P183 V3142.18172.03140
Antec0-761345-81904-6Performance One Series/P193 V3176.78213.916
Antec0-761345-04740-1PSU/ EA-450 Platinum European Only95.95116.100
Antec0-761345-04654-1PSU/EA 500 GREEN-EC EU Only75.4691.3115
Antec0-761345-04750-0PSU/EA-550 Platinum European Only96.65116.9521
Antec0-761345-06210-7PSU/HCG 520 M-EC EU Only90.01108.912
Antec0-761345-06218-3PSU/HCG 620 M-EC EU Only105.26127.3613
Antec0-761345-06248-0PSU/High Curr Pro Plat HCP 1000 EU Only257.21311.236
Antec0-761345-06208-4PSU/High Current G HCG-620 PSU EU Only78.2894.72393
Antec0-761345-06220-6PSU/High Current G HCG-900 PSU EU Only117.68142.400
Antec0-761345-06238-1PSU/High Current Pro HCP-750 PSU EU Only174.70211.398
Antec0-761345-06242-8PSU/High Current Pro HCP-850 PSU EU Only191.22231.388
Antec0-761345-04003-7Take 4 + 650 4U Rackmount 650W EU Only310.14375.260
Antec0-761345-01565-3TITAN650 EU Only201.16243.400
Antec0-761345-07996-9TruePower Quattro/1200 OC EU Only270.90327.791
Antec0-761345-06430-9VP Power/VP 350P EU Only42.2751.1530
Antec0-761345-06440-8VP Power/VP 550P EU Only61.3074.18325
CiscoUCSC-PSU-450W=450W power supply for C-series rack svrs230.03278.3411
CiscoUCSC-PSU-650W=650W power supply for C-series rack svrs257.39311.450
CorsairCP-9020015-EUBuilder Series CX 750 Watt ATX EU90.29109.250
CorsairCP-9020039-EUEnthusiast Series TX650 Watt Modular EU106.52128.8937
CorsairCP-9020040-EUEnthusiast Series TX750 Watt Modular EU122.31148.0011
CorsairCP-9020041-EUEnthusiast Series TX850 Watt Modular EU140.36169.8314
CorsairCP-9020063-EUGaming Series 600 Watt 2013 Edition85.08102.9519
CorsairCP-9020064-EUGaming Series 700 Watt 2013 Edition96.36116.6011
CorsairCP-9020013-EUGaming Series 700 Watt 80+ Bronze ATX EU97.36117.811
CorsairCP-9020065-EUGaming Series 800 Watt 2013 Edition109.90132.988
CorsairCP-9020045-EUProf Plat Series 760W ATX167.44202.602
CorsairCP-9020044-EUProf Plat Series 860W ATX185.48224.437
CorsairCP-9020036-EUProf Plat Series w Corsair Link 760W ATX193.37233.984
CorsairCP-9020037-EUProf Plat Series w Corsair Link 860W ATX211.41255.814
CorsairCP-9020033-EUProf Series HX1050 80+ Gold ATX PS/2 EU211.28255.652
CorsairCP-9020030-EUProf Series HX650 80+ Gold ATX PS/2 EU129.29156.4447
CorsairCP-9020031-EUProf Series HX750 80+ Gold ATX PS/2 EU142.15172.007
CorsairCP-9020032-EUProf Series HX850 80+ Gold ATX PS/2 EU161.73195.693
CorsairCP-9020038-EUPSU/ATX 12V 2.2 2.01 650 Watt ATX EU95.23115.237
CorsairCP-9020042-EUPSU/ATX 12V 2.2 2.01 750 Watt ATX EU114.42138.4516
CorsairCP-9020043-EUPSU/ATX 12V 2.2 2.01 850 Watt ATX EU127.95154.820
CorsairCP-9020052-EUPSU/ATX VS350 240V 350Watt37.7245.6419
CorsairCP-9020046-EUPSU/Builder Ser CX 80+ Bronze 430W EU48.9959.280
CorsairCP-9020047-EUPSU/Builder Ser CX 80+ Bronze 500W EU62.5275.660
CorsairCP-9020048-EUPSU/Builder Ser CX 80+ Bronze 600W EU71.5686.5933
CorsairCP-9020058-EUPSU/Builder Series CX 430W EU Version54.6366.1116
CorsairCP-9020059-EUPSU/Builder Series CX 500W EU Version68.1582.4733
CorsairCP-9020060-EUPSU/Builder Series CX 600W EU Version77.2093.4118
CorsairCP-9020061-EUPSU/Builder Series CX 750W EU Version95.23115.2312
CorsairCP-9020008-EUPSU/Professional Platinum Series EU323.42391.347
CorsairCMPSU-1200AXEUPSU/Series Gold AX1200 1200 Watt266.13322.023
CorsairCMPSU-750AXEUPSU/Series Gold AX750 750 Watt172.62208.876
CorsairCMPSU-850AXEUPSU/Series Gold AX850 850 Watt195.42236.4610
EminentEM1105PCI Card USB 2.0 4 port14.6117.6710
EminentEM1036USB 2.0 Hub 4 port external incl adapter17.7921.5310
EminentEM1102USB 2.0 Hub 4 port incl adapter black16.7820.300
EminentEM1103USB 2.0 Hub 4 port including adapter16.7820.307
FujitsuS26113-F574-L10Modular PSU 800W platinum hp302.70366.270
FujitsuS26113-F540-L11Power Supply 450W Hot Plug TX150S7200.00242.000
FujitsuS26113-F556-L10Power Supply 800W HE Hot Plug158.06191.263
FujitsuS26113-F555-L10Power Supply Module 800W Gold hp RX300S6204.86247.880
Gigabyte24ZX7-BMD100-00RChassis GZ-X7 Black42.7051.6726
Gigabyte2AZIF-13800-H32RChassis IF133 Black48.8459.0914
Gigabyte2AZIF-23800-H32RChassis IF233 Black48.8459.092
Gigabyte2AZIF-33800-H32RChassis IF333 Black48.8459.0913
Gigabyte2AZLM-10B00-S49SChassis Luxo M10 Black61.8874.870
Gigabyte24ZLX-10B900-00RChassis Luxo X10 Black59.5672.077
Gigabyte24ZU1-BPAG00-00RChassis Luxo X140 Black39.1147.330
Gigabyte24ZE2-BSDM00-00RChassis SETTO II 142 Black51.2462.001
Gigabyte24ZXX-1CASNB-011RChassis TRITON Black67.3781.520
Gigabyte24ZSU-11BACT-B0RGigabyte Sumo Alpha Black Mid Tower Case70.1684.890
Gigabyte24ZG2-P2BACN-B0RGZ-G2 Plus Black Mid Tower chassis65.5379.299
Gigabyte24ZM1-BPD700-000RGZ-M1/mATX Chassis Black32.6539.512
Gigabyte24ZM2-BPD700-000RGZ-M2 mATX Chassis Black no PSU32.6539.510
Gigabyte24ZMK-1DBF00-00RGZ-MK01 mATX Chassis Black32.8339.730
Gigabyte24ZP5-1CBD00-00RGZ-P5 plus ATX Chassis black no PSU30.0536.360
Gigabyte24ZPD-ACBD00-00RGZ-PD ATX Chassis Black30.1336.460
Gigabyte24ZX1-BPD100-000RGZ-X1BPD-100/GZ-X1 ATX Chassis Black40.0948.5123
Gigabyte24ZX2-BPD100-000RGZ-X2 ATX Chassis Black no PSU40.2048.658
Gigabyte24ZX3-BPD100-000RGZ-X3 ATX Chassis Black no psu40.2048.650
Gigabyte24ZX4-BPD100-00RGZ-X4 ATX Chassis Black no PSU41.4750.170
Gigabyte24ZX5-BPD100-00RGZ-X5 ATX Chassis Black no PSU41.2449.910
Gigabyte24ZX6-BPD100-00RGZ-X6 ATX Chassis black no PSU41.4750.170
Gigabyte24EPG-E46AC1-29RPS 570w PSU ATX 12V v2.3 active Black54.2165.591
Gigabyte24EPG-E50AC1-29RPS 620w PSU ATX 12V v2.3 active Black59.4671.940
Gigabyte24EPG-E40AC1-39RPSU SUPERB E470W42.5751.517
HP656364-B21HP 1200W CS Plat Pwr Supply Kit Gen8398.99482.780
HP437572-B21HP 1200W/12V Hotplug AC Pow Sup BLc3000375.90454.840
HP437573-B21HP 1200W/48V Hotplug AC Pow Sup BLc3000722.87874.680
HP588603-B21HP 2400W Plat Ht Plg Pwr Supply Kit432.39523.190
HP532092-B21HP 400W 1U G6 RPS Option Kit DL160/320G6358.00433.184
HP656362-B21HP 460W CS Plat PL Ht Plg Pwr Suppl Gen8275.63333.5294
HP593188-B21HP 460W CS Platinum Power Supply Kit299.46362.355
HP636673-B21HP 750W CS -48VDC Ht Plg Pwr Supply Kit398.99482.780
HP656363-B21HP 750W CS Plat PL Ht Plg Pwr Suppl Gen8310.93376.225
HPJC681AHP A58x0AF 650W DC Power Supply683.50827.030
HP412140-B21HP BL c-Class Enc Active Cool Fan Kit166.53201.5028
HP499243-B21HP BLc 2400W High Effic Power Supply393.84476.5524
HP536841-B21HP BLc3000r 2 AC 4 Fan Trial ICE4734.055728.200
HP508665-B21HP BLc3000r 4 AC-6 Fan Trial ICE5284.786394.590
HP507014-B21HP BLc7000 1PH 2PS 4 Fan TL ROHS ICE6007.587269.172
HP507015-B21HP BLc7000 1PH 6PS 10 Fan FL ROHS ICE14003.0916943.740
HP507016-B21HP BLc7000 3PH 6PS 10Fan FL INT ROHS ICE13985.2416922.140
HP456204-B21HP BLc7000 DDR2 Encl Mgmt Option962.161164.226
HP412148-B21HP BLc7000/Misc Blanks Option113.10136.8413
HP305340-021HP Cable/Power IEC-C19 - CEE7 7111.18134.530
HP578322-B21HP Power Supply 1200W CS B HE Platinum381.35461.430
HP503296-B21HP Power Supply 460W Hot Plug AC G6/G7217.16262.7684
HP512327-B21HP Power Supply 750W CS HE G6/G7252.10305.0522
HP500172-B21HP Power Supply/1200W CS HE G6 Silver346.57419.360
IBM23R72623573 Additional Power Supply 4U589.74713.590
IBM00D4413460W Redundant Power Supply IBM (3530M4)237.65287.550
IBM46C7438BC C14 950/1450W Auto-SensPS579.39701.062
IBM88524TGBladeCenter H Chassis 2980W PS6478.477838.953
IBM90Y4558ExS/460W Redundant AC Pow Supp x35/560M3192.32232.700
IBM90Y4571ExS/460W Redundant AC Power Supply x3620193.72234.400
IBM00Y3652ExS/460W Redundant Power Supply x3250M4308.28373.025
IBM00D7087ExS/550W High Eff AC Pow Supp x365/550M4199.32241.1819
IBM49Y3755ExS/675W Redundant Power Supply x3620M3221.68268.240
IBM00D7088ExS/750W AC Power Supply HE AC x35/650M4232.88281.780
IBM00D7086ExS/750W High Eff AC Power Supp x3500M4232.88281.780
IBM49Y3704ExS/Red Power Supply 675W x355/650M2/M3204.99248.048
IBM49Y3706ExS/Redundant Cooling and power X3500M3221.68268.240
IBM49Y3748ExS/Redundant Power Supply f x3400 M3141.45171.156
IBM81Y6558IBM 460W Redundant Power Supp x355/650M3224.97272.221
IBM94Y6236IBM 460W Redundant Power Supply Unit wit364.28440.780
IBM81Y6754IBM 460W Redundant Power Supply x3620M3225.88273.320
IBM94Y6668IBM 550W High Eff Platinum AC x365/550M4231.94280.6510
IBM81Y6557IBM 675W High Eff Redund AC Power Supply284.84344.651
IBM60Y0327IBM 675W Redundant Power Supply553.81670.110
IBM94Y5974IBM 750W High Eff Plat Pow Supp x3500M4272.01329.130
IBM94Y6669IBM 750W High Eff Platinum AC x365/550M4272.01329.131
IBM86774TGIBM BladeCenter E Chassis w 2x2320W PSU5504.326660.230
IBM68Y6601IBM BladeCenter H 2980W AC Power Modules1013.481226.302
IBM88861TGIBM BladeCenter S Chassis w 2x950/1450W4230.005118.302
IBM68Y7030IBM Flex System Chassis Management Modul923.151117.010
IBM44X0381IBM Redundant Cooling and Power287.39347.740
IBM46M1075IBM Redundant Power Supp 675W x355/650M3263.62318.980
IBM69Y3749IBM Redundant Power Supply f x3400 M3188.13227.640
IBM94Y5973IBM System x 900W HE Platinum AC Pow Sup333.54403.580
IBM69Y1213Redundant Power Supply 675W x3620M3292.98354.500
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